Is the moment when I send the invoice important?

June 1, 2022

Is the moment when I send the invoice important?

As an entrepreneur, you regularly send invoices. But does it matter at what time you send those invoices? The answer is yes, it  matters a lot.The most common practice is to send an invoice after you have delivered the goods or services. However, you can also invoice at a different time. You must send your invoice no later than the 15th after the month in which you delivered the goods or services. For example, if you deliver goods on January 1st, you must send the invoice no later than February 15th.

If you send the invoice outside this period, the Belastingdienst will not make a problem out of it. Of course, it is not intended and not polite towards the customer to send your invoice so late. The moment of invoicing is indeed important. Try to ensure that you send your invoices on time.